Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Back up information

Just a note regarding what has been going on at "the cabin" since October and why there were no posts. Basically NOTHING was going on at the cabin. It was all going on at work.
We had been living and working about 2 hours away from the land and the cabin and were working at the cabin 2 or 3 weekends a month.
January 2009 my branch got complexed with 2 other branches. Stress.
May we closed one of the locations and moved the FAs into the 2 remaining locations. Stress.
June my company had gone into a joint venture a close competitor of ours. Stress.
Julyish we lost our Regional Director and the other RD stayed. Stress.
August we lost most of the Regional staff we were used to working with. Stress
We began hearing that new complexes were coming down the pipe. Rumors and speculation but STRESS. My BOM, who was awesome, did not get complex director. Stress.
All this piling on top of each other sucked.
Then in November we had to re-interview for our jobs because management was top heavy. About Christmas Daniel and I decided that we didn't want to live 2 hours away from "the cabin" or our family anymore and in January we made it official. My last day at work was January 29th.
I'm sure other people have gone through trying times like this before, but it was the first time I'd ever had to go through it. I put a lot of internal pressure on myself and it was just yucky.
Since then we've been working to get our house in Dallas ready to sell. (fyi we have a lot of junk which I am trying to weed through) :-)
As you can see from my recent posts we did tiller and plant a garden!! 24 tomato plants, 12 jalapeno plants, onions, cilantro, dill, squash, zuccini, and beans (i'm adding today hopefully).

So hopefully that explains my absence from the blog world. Daniel and I are very excited to be back!!

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