Sunday, October 4, 2009

I hate spiders!

Once upon a time, on a cool crisp October morning in an enchanted land of milk and honey, I was tearing sheetrock out of an old building. Gingerly removing the sheetrock and insulation from the walls I came across some unexpected occupants. Squatters you might say. These gutless vermin would position themselves so that when you picked up the pieces of sheetrock they would be only inches from your fingers. NOT acceptable behavior. The end.

Did I Mention that I hate spiders?

Hey Look! Lots of little baby spiders.(@#$*!)
*No spiders were harmed in the making of this blog... NOT!

Roofus... dont get mad.

Got Roof?

From Blue to Green...
Kinda like magic.

As much as I would like to take credit for all the work myself, I must admit I had a little help.
Thank you Mr Lift.